Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions, is your question not listed or is the answer not as clear as we thought? Send a message using the form at the bottom of the page.

  • Can I return an order?
    Yes, you have a 30-day return right when you return the products to us unworn and in the original packaging. Return costs are for your own account.

  • To which countries do you ship orders?
    At the moment we only ship products within the Netherlands

  • How much are the shipping costs?
    The shipping costs up to €100 are €3.95 for the Netherlands and €7.95 for Belgium and Germany. Shipping is free for amounts over €100 .
  • How quickly will I receive my order?
    We always ship orders within 2 working days. So you always receive your order within 3 days.
  • Can I also pick up my order?
    No, this is not currently possible by default. If you would like to do this, please send us a message using the form at the bottom of this page.

  • How do I find the right size?
    We try to indicate the sizes as accurately as possible. If you are not sure, please send us a message using the form at the bottom of this page.

  • At what temperature should I wash this product?
    This is usually stated on the label inside the product. If you are not sure, please send us a message using the form at the bottom of this page.

  • Will I receive a confirmation of my order?
    Yes, you will receive this by e-mail after your order has been placed.

  • Which payment methods do you offer?
    You can pay with us with iDEAL, Credit card, Google Pay and Paypal.

  • When will my product be back in stock?
    We only leave products online that we expect to get back in stock. Feel free to send us a message using the form below to request an expected delivery time of a product.

  • Can I buy a voucher for a friend?
    Yes you can, search for the product voucher. It is currently possible to buy vouchers of €10, €25, €50 or €100.

  • Do you also have a physical store?
    No, we do not have physical stores.

Contact form


Schumannstraat 27
5216 EZ ‘s-Hertogenbosch